How to spy WhatsApp messages free download

How To Spy On WhatsApp Messages – Free Download

Best method to spy on WhatsApp messages – download App Spy

WhatsApp is one of the most used social networking applications. People undertake like chatting, texting messages, sharing video and audios or sharing pictures. It has again immense popularity that it has replaced the tradition SMS texting. It is operated through the internet. There are many reasons to spy on these WhatsApp messages. One may want to keep an eye on their kids or spouses activates. These days’ people undertake a lot of undercover work or send secret messages to via WhatsApp. To catch a person doing such things, a spy is carried out.


Best method to spy on WhatsApp messages – download App Spy
Best method to spy on WhatsApp messages – download App Spy

What is FreePhoneSpy?

TheTruthSpy is spying software that is also used for spying on WhatsApp messages. It lets you view all the WhatsApp conversations that take place through the victim’s phone. It uses tools such as WhatsApp spy, spy WhatsApp message, monitor WhatsApp messages, etc. to help spy on WhatsApp messages for free. This software is free to download and use. You can try to use it at

Features of WhatsApp spy software:

Features of WhatsApp spy software:
Features of WhatsApp spy software:
  • Monitoring: It not only helps to spy on WhatsApp messages, but it also facilitates to monitor the whole device. You then can install the software on the victim’s machine and can get to read all his conversations. It controls all communications including incoming and outgoing messages. One can install them on their kids or spouse’s phone to spy on them.
  • Real-time location: This software enables not on spying but also provides information of victim’s location. It provides targets location on a map. It gives the exact location of the device from where the message has been sent. It even gives details such as latitude and longitude on the map. Now with the use of FreePhoneSpy, you can know the exact location of your target.
  • Access to multimedia files: It gives access to not only WhatsApp messages but also to video. Audio and GIF files sent and received on WhatsApp. It even facilitates and shows pictures and photos shared through this device.
  • Alerts and notifications: It gives alerts and information of the activities that are carried out in the victim’s phone. If any chances are done to the target device, then you will immediately get the notification on your phone. Like in case there is any change in SIM card or password change etc. Even in such cases, it does not stop functioning.
  • Downloaded with no cost: It is easy to download with no charges for the same. This software only requires a good internet connection but does not charge for its service provided.
  • Catch any cheating or fraud: If you have any doubt on your kids, spouse or employees, you can install them on their devices. It will provide you with all the information of his chat conversations, video or audios shared, photos shared, etc. it also helps to spy on life partners WhatsApp activities.

Due to the above features of TheTruthSpy, this app gives best services to spy on your cheating loved ones. Now it will force them not to hide things from you. As this app is free of cost, anyone can use them.

PhoneSpy Editor

FreePhoneSpy is the world's first free spying software available exclusively for Android & iPhone.